Private, public, and government organizations have chosen to work with Max Hambleton & AWM Studios because of his unique insight and tools derived from the business and acting/improv worlds. Learning how to use connection, empathy, and group intelligence will allow you to get the best from your staff while leaving them feeling valued and respected. At the end of the day you get the best from people not from money or perks, but from their belief that they are a part of something bigger than themselves.
You’ve probably read or heard about all the money that is lost by companies that don’t use or value their “human” capital. Every year, US companies lose up to:
$190 billion due to stressed-out workers according to a study by Forbes.
$550 billion due to the 70% of employees who are disengaged according to this American Workplace Report.
$11 billion due to employee turnover according to Forbes.

‘If it weren’t for my background in Acting & Improv, I wouldn’t be as good of a boss’.
While Max has a strong background in Acting & Improv (Max studied with top acting & improv teachers and performed thousands of times) he also has an extensive background in business. In just the last 10 years Max has built 4 companies from the ground up, the most successful of which employed 55 people and grossed $4.2M a year.
'I really don't think it was brilliant ideas. And it certainly wasn't lot's of startup capital, because we had none. Our success came because we had staff that believed in us and in each other.'
'It was a good problem to have, growing to a $3.5M business in a few years. But morale suffered as we onboarded dozens of people in a few weeks. We had to get people trusting in themselves, their co-workers, and our organization as a whole.'
-Max Hambleton
Team Building
Promoting a Culture of ‘Yes’
Turning Your Team into an Ensemble
In a single 3 hour session, Max will use his unique skillset of improv and business to help your team with:
- Collaboration and Communication
- Trust-Building
- Overcoming Adversity
- Encourage Spontaneity & Idea Building
and HAVE FUN doing it.
3 hr

Speech Coaching
Promote Confidence
Control Anxiety
Impress Your Colleagues
We all have a colleague at work who seems to be born with charm and a silver-tongue. But of course, they aren’t born that way, they LEARNED to behave and talk that way. Like anything, it’s a skill. And like any skill you can learn it.
Getting in front of a crowd, whether it’s your companies board members, an interviewer you’d like to impress, or an audience at a play, is not as hard as you think. Max will help you use concentration, breathing, and preparation techniques that will give you the power to wow anyone with your speech and affability.
If you have ever had a good idea ignored by a colleague, an interviewer pass you over, or a boss that doesn’t see you, the benefits of these techniques will be invaluable.
In just three 1-hour sessions Max will use his skills and techniques in improv and as a successful business owner who has interviewed thousands of people, to help you feel like a new person with the confidence and likeability to move through life and up the ladder the way you deserve.
Even speech impediments can be shaped and used to be an asset to you, rather than feeling like a liability.

Speech Coaching
Control Anxiety
Impress Your Colleagues
We all have a colleague at work who seems to be born with charm and a silver-tongue. But of course, they aren’t born that way, they LEARNED to behave and talk that way. Like anything, it’s a skill. And like any skill you can learn it.
Getting in front of a crowd, whether it’s your companies board members, an interviewer you’d like to impress, or an audience at a play, is not as hard as you think. Max will help you use concentration, breathing, and preparation techniques that will give you the power to wow anyone with your speech and affability.
If you have ever had a good idea ignored by a colleague, an interviewer pass you over, or a boss that doesn’t see you, the benefits of these techniques will be invaluable.
In just three 1-hour sessions Max will use his skills and techniques in improv and as a successful business owner who has interviewed thousands of people, to help you feel like a new person with the confidence and likeability to move through life and up the ladder the way you deserve.
Even speech impediments can be shaped and used to be an asset to you, rather than feeling like a liability.